HuaYi TCM 2.0

Chapter 4 - Medicines

4.6 List Medicines

The medicines can be viewed, edited and deleted from the list. The medicines can be listed by pages. The medicines can be searched by key word.

Management functionality from the list:

View the brief information of the medicines:
The brief information includes medicine ID, name, group name, description, usage, comment
Search medicines:
input the key word and click button "Search". The medicines can be searched on most of the medicine information. type any information related to a medicine and try. if there is no key word, all the medicines are retrieved. The paging function is applied on the key word search.
Create a new medicine:
The button of creating a new medicine is on the top and right of the list
List medicine groups:
This is the entry of the medicine groups management.
List medicine inventory alert:
This is the entry to list medicine inventory alert. When the inventory number of a medicine is equal or less than the setting of alert threshold, it will be listed here. It reminds which medicines are needed to be ordered.
Update a medicine supplementary information:
medicine supplementary information is important. They includes the information about unit, price, cost, inventory number, storage location, alert, comment.
Delete a medicine:
A medicine can only be deleted if it is not referred by other entities, e.g. A medicine can be deleted after it is removed from the medicament and the medical record which include it.