HuaYi TCM 2.0

Chapter 11 - Mobile SMS

11.2 GSM Modem Configuration

The entries of most of the configuration management functionality are from the configurations list. All the configurations can be listed by pages. The configurations can be searched by key word.

Management functionality from the list:

Connect or disconnect a GSM modem:
The GSM modem can be connected or disconnected manually. HuaYi TCM 2.0 can send or receive SMS only when a GSM modem is connected.
View the brief information of the configurations:
The brief information includes configuration ID, connection status, mobile number or other identity information with the modem, COM port, BAUD rate, whether supports sending SMS, whether supports receiving SMS, whether is active, whether to be connected automatically both when HuaYi TCM 2.0 system service starts and when the GSM modem device is plugged to the computer, the quantity of SMS sent today, the total quantity of SMS sent
Search configuration:
input the key word and click button "Search". The configurations can be searched on some of the configuration information. type any information related to a configuration and try. if there is no key word, all the configurations are retrieved. The paging function is applied on the key word search.
Edit the partial information of a configuration:
Some of the configuration can be edited and the others cannot be edited

Create a new configuration

The GSM modem can be available to configuration in HuaYi TCM 2.0 after its hardware is plugged to the computer and the driver software are installed properly.

A configuration is created for a GSM modem. If a GSM modem has already been created for a configuration, it cannot be used for another configuration.

The button "Save" can only be enabled after the button "Test Connection" is pressed and the GSM modem is connected successfully.

Mobile Number:
It is the number in the SIM card in the strict meaning. The GSM modem behaves as a mobile phone or it is a realy phone phone actually. There is a SIM card inside and there is a mobile number with it. However, beside the mobile number, any kind of identity information can be input as well.
Reply Number:
If the SMS sender want the recipient to reply the SMS to another way or another number, for instance, by a land line number, the reply number can be input here. It is appended to each SMS sent through the GSM modem. It occupies some length limit of SMS and it should not be too long.
Unlock Password:
There are many kinds of password to lock a mobile phone or GSM modem devices. The password is used to connect the GSM modem if it is set.
Is Active:
If a GSM modem configuration is inactive, the modem is not used
Automatically Connect:
If it is set to connect automatically, the GSM modem is connected connected automatically both when HuaYi TCM 2.0 system service starts and when the GSM modem device is plugged to the computer.