HuaYi TCM 2.0

Chapter 3 - Appointments

3.1 List Appointments

The entries of most of the appointments management functionality are from the appointments list. All the appointments can be listed by pages. The appointments can be searched by key word.

There are two modes to list the appointments. One is the table format and the other is the diagram mode.

The appointments can be quickly searched by period of day or week from the current time.

There is the check on whether the time conflicts when creating or editing an appointment.

There are context entries to manage an appointment in the diagram mode.

The overlapped time among the appointments can be displayed in the diagram mode.

Management functionality from the list:

Helpful Hints

View the brief information of the appointments:
The brief information includes patient name, date and time, phone, mobile and description

Search appointments:
input the key word and click button "Search". The appointments can be searched on most of the appointment information. type any information related to an appointment and try. if there is no key word, all the appointments are retrieved. The paging function is applied on the key word search.

Create a new appointment:
The button of creating a new appointment is on the top and right of the list.

Create a new medical record from an appointment:
A new medical record can be created from an appointment only when the appointment is assigned to me.